Monday, 15 February 2016

Tulips and Chimneys Valentine's Day illustration

At the beginning of this year I began working as a digital painter at an animation and concept development studio in Cape Town called, Tulips and Chimneys. This is an artwork I created as a promotional piece for Valentine's Day. The image directly below is the final piece.

Below is the original line drawing that I scanned into Photoshop to be painted. It consists of various separate line drawings: the central creature on the mound, the border, and the banner. All comped together in Photoshop. Other elements such as the foxes and the birds were added later. 

Below left: The thumbnail sketch. Below right: Pencil sketch.

The line drawings were done using a Uni-ball Pin 0.05 mm pen.

Bottom left colouring in Photoshop on the Cintiq24hd, and the final print on archival paper on the bottom right.