Tuesday, 1 November 2016

"All Hallows Eve" for Tulips and Chimneys

Much like the illustration I did earlier this year for Tulips and Chimneys on Valentine's Day, this one I did as a piece for social media to promote the studio over Halloween.

Like the previous illustration I did, this one was also made up of a number of separate pieces which were then put together in Photoshop. The image below left was the thumbnail sketch I did, and you can see the various stages of the process that followed.


And the colouring process below that was done in Photoshop on my cintiq.

Friday, 19 August 2016

2016 First Libo International Children's Animation Festival

I recently got back from a trip to China to participate in the 2016 First Libo International Children's Animation Festival from 5th to 8th August. The studio I work at, Tulips and Chimneys, was invited to talk at the festival and I was lucky enough to be given the opportunity to represent the studio whilst I was there.

One of my sketches made an appearance.

Myself and Jan Heinze of Pixomondo standing with our translator, Tina.

Above: Posing with Omar Turcios and the caricature he drew of me.

Monday, 15 February 2016

Tulips and Chimneys Valentine's Day illustration

At the beginning of this year I began working as a digital painter at an animation and concept development studio in Cape Town called, Tulips and Chimneys. This is an artwork I created as a promotional piece for Valentine's Day. The image directly below is the final piece.

Below is the original line drawing that I scanned into Photoshop to be painted. It consists of various separate line drawings: the central creature on the mound, the border, and the banner. All comped together in Photoshop. Other elements such as the foxes and the birds were added later. 

Below left: The thumbnail sketch. Below right: Pencil sketch.

The line drawings were done using a Uni-ball Pin 0.05 mm pen.

Bottom left colouring in Photoshop on the Cintiq24hd, and the final print on archival paper on the bottom right.