Friday, 30 October 2015

Monday, 26 October 2015

Environment Studies

Schoolism environment lighting studies from around the house.

The image below is the same scene lit at different times of the day.

Saturday, 24 October 2015

Lighting Tests

I'm busy doing a Schoolism course on lighting by Robert Kondo and Dice Tsutsumi. I'd highly recommend it to anyone interested in understanding lighting in a production design environment.
These are some tests I did taking a still life study in a neutral diffused lighting setup to one with a light present.

Friday, 23 October 2015

Time lapse of a sketchbook drawing

I constructed this pretty precarious rig for my iPhone that allowed me to film a time lapse of one of my Inktober drawings. The rig was made from an old lamp stand and a bulldog clip, among other things.

Thursday, 25 June 2015

Mad Max: Fury Road Fan Art

I watched Mad Max: Fury road earlier this month. I enjoyed it so much I watched it twice and drew these illustrations :)

Ben Winfield
Ben Winfield

Ben Winfield

June paintings

Some sketches and studies from this past month. I've really found the teachings of Dice Tsutsumi to be really helpful regarding working with colour.

Ben WinfieldBen Winfield

Ben Winfield

Ben Winfield

Ben WinfieldBen Winfield

Ben Winfield
"Attack of the killer onesie!" My girlfriend in her onesie ;)

Monday, 20 April 2015

Work in progress for Lyon the Dragon Heart cover.





1. The final image, with title overlay.
2. A rough scamp of the proposed idea.
3. Detailed line drawing.
4. Value underlay.
5. Three colour variations for client to choose from.
6. Blocking in colours.
7. Detailing of image and bringing to a completed state.

Sketchbook watercolours

Some experimental watercolour sketches that I have been playing around with.

The woods are dark with the light of my skin.

Painted in Adobe Photoshop CC

Star Wars variant issue #001

For the launch of Star Wars 001, a number of blank variant copies were sent to a local comic shop here in Cape Town. I managed to get my grubby paws on one and came up with this chap.

Friday, 17 April 2015

Reckless Deck Challenge

An illustration I did for The Art Order's Reckless Deck challenge earlier this year.

Below is a work in progress of the above image:

1. Rough line plotting.
2. Clean lines in Painter 15.
3. Colour blocking in in Photoshop.
4. More detailing.
5. Even more colouring.
6. Final tweaks.